On my lazy weekends, I play online games with my college buddies and one of my favorites is Rainbow Six: Siege. Recently my IPS changed their upstream provider and for whatever reason, it turns out that Rainbow Six’s in-game VoIP server got blocked, meaning, I can’t hear others and they can’t hear me. Ugh! Filed a complaint about it, they said they will look into it… and that was two weeks ago, still nothing. So, it looks like I have to take matters into my own hand and come up with a solution!

The obvious solution is to use VPN services. There are a lot, like A LOOOOOT of VPN services out there but most of the good ones are blocked behind paywalls. I don’t blame them, its a business after all. In my hunt for a good & free VPN, I stumbled across ProtonVPN (not sponsored btw). They provide free VPN service with unlimited bandwidth. The only downside is that there are only a handful of free servers and the speed is pretty low. However, its enough for video games… or so I thought…


Well now, that’s a shame. One other solution I can think of is to re-route the connection to the VoIP server only. So, I fired up NetLimiter and played a couple of matches and finally managed narrow the connections down to these two-


Turns out Ubisoft uses Vivox for its VoIP service (Wonder what they are doing with those amazon servers…).

Now we need a way to re-route our connection to these domains through VPN. ProtonVPN comes back to the spotlights again.. I don’t know if other VPN services do this but ProtonVPN provides detailed doc on how to configure and use their VPN service without their VPN software, meaning you can use OpenVPN or Windows VPN client to connect to their network, heck they even provide OpenVPN configuration files under MIT license! I’m impressed. This makes things much easier for me.

If you have worked with OpenVPN before then you probably know how easy it is to re-route connections. Taking a quick peek at their configuration file you can see:

dev tun
proto udp

remote blah_blah_blah_remote_server.poop

resolv-retry infinite
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA512
comp-lzo no
verb 3

tun-mtu 1500
tun-mtu-extra 32
mssfix 1450

reneg-sec 0

remote-cert-tls server


It appears they are pulling whatever data their server config provides using the pull command and then blocking all other dns services using block-outside-dns. You can tell they know what they are doing. But these two lines need to go as they will interfere with my routing configuration.

Now, I can simply tell it to route all traffic though my ISP’s gateway using route-nopull. And specify the Vivox domains to pass through the VPN’s gateway using route <ip address> <mask> vpn_gateway.

So, we need the Vivox domain IPs. Sure NetLimiter gives me some IP info but most communication systems will have several IPs under its name for traffic management. A quick WhoIs lookup says I was right-:

NetRange: -
NetRange: -

Great, now I have the IP I need, now for the musk… Taking a look at https://oav.net/mirrors/cidr.html - cidr

mask for 23 will be and mask for 16 will be

So, the re-routing rules will be:

route vpn_gateway
route	vpn_gateway

And done! All there’s left to do is to load this modified configuration onto OpenVPN, connect and VOILA! I CAN HEAR AND SPEAK AGAIN!